As a part of the world-building process that went into laying down the proper groundwork for a multiple-volume book series set in a believable world, I created a maps of the major cities/villages and topographical features for Not Gods But Monsters and its future sequels. This allows for believable references to locales that the story might not take the reader until later books.
The Art of NGBM: Jehn and Kyote
To finish out the series of stylized character depictions for Not Gods But Monsters, here are the character illustrations for Jehn and Kyote.
The Art of NGBM: Zoe and Callie
As with the earlier illustration posted of Flynn, the following pieces for Zoe Agilis and Callie Evans are part of a stylized series of drawings done as visual representations of the major players for Not Gods But Monsters.
The Art of NGBM: Flynn Earrele
In the development of not only the story of Not Gods But Monsters, but for the world building necessary for future sequels, I spent some time fleshing out the individuals in a visual medium. Below are a pair of illustrations done for the character Flynn Earrele. As you can see, there is as a bit of Peter O'Toole and Cary Elwes in the face.
Infographic: Imbued Ores of Tah'afajien - Book 1
A handy guide of the ores present in Not Gods But Monsters. WARNING: There are some minor spoilers below so if you haven't read (or finished) the book, you may want to back away.
The Byraelian Calendar
For those who've read Not Gods But Monsters, you may notice a strange series of words at the beginning of each that looks suspiciously like a date. That's because it is (shocker, I know). Much like the development of the Byraelian language, the creation of the calendar was intended to point to the world's more unique qualities.
The Byraelian Language: Creation
When laying down the groundwork for the world for Not Gods But Monsters, I had to take into consideration a number of elements that we take for granted and how they came to exist. Before any element--even one seemingly ancillary like the calendar--could be fleshed out, I found I had to develop the ancient Byraelian alphabet on which many of these elements hinged.