Throwback Thursday: Art from Not Gods But Monsters

Throwback Thursday: Art from Not Gods But Monsters

A long time ago, long before the first line of the current Not Gods But Monsters was penned, the project was known as Fantasma. While there were a lot of similar elements and themes shared between the two tales, there is a number of items that never made the final cut into the final release. As with the current books, I did artwork for the original tale, including a number of character illustrations.

The Art of TKK: O'mas and Zonda

The Art of TKK: O'mas and Zonda

As with the earlier entries in the series, I worked up a series of character sketches on prominent characters in The Killing Kind. Much like A Prison of Flesh, this series is a set of four, with a limited color palette. Just like the blue used for APOF, this set features green as a major identifying color. Below are the first two in the series.

Available Now: The Killing Kind

Author Joshua Banker announces the release of his fourth full-length work, The Killing Kind. Banker’s prequel to Not Gods But Monsters is a speculative fiction novel which blends elements of science-fiction and diesel-punk fantasy to tell a story about the root causes of war and their impacts on those forced to live in the midst of an ongoing conflict. The tale serves as both a history lesson for those familiar with the series and as a starting point for readers new to the Realm of Tah’afajien.