Character Illustration: Jehn (Fantasma)
Ink and metallic marker on paper.
Illustration from *long* ago when "Not Gods But Monsters" was a project named "Fantasma" and Jehn didn't even have a last name.
Character Illustration: Zoe (Fantasma)
Ink and metallic marker on paper.
Illustration from *long* ago when "Not Gods But Monsters" was a project named "Fantasma" and Zoe didn't even have a last name.
Character Illustration: Flynn (Fantasma)
Ink and metallic marker on paper.
Illustration from *long* ago when "Not Gods But Monsters" was a project named "Fantasma" and Flynn was a little more pacifist.
O'mas and Jehn Leaving the Vale (unfinished) (Fantasma)
Ink and metallic marker on paper.
Illustration from *long* ago when "Not Gods But Monsters" was a project named "Fantasma". Unfinished because I never put together a background for the piece.