In preparation for the upcoming release of Book 2 (more info on this to come soon), I've re-released Not Gods But Monsters with some very minor tweaks.
As you can tell by the new cover image (no, really it is), the book is now listed as part of the ongoing Realm of Tah'afajien series.
Other updates include two minor capitalization/punctuation changes for season names (one in Chapter 1, the other in Chapter 18).
In Chapter 24, I made a revision based on the realization that the original sentence actually implies something than what was intended. O'mas is 59 in Not Gods But Monsters.
"I’m on the precipice of my sixth decade and only now do I feel so... out of the game."
"I'm at the end of my sixth decade and only now do I feel so... out of the game."
In Chapter 25, there is a minor tweak of a sentence for clarity.
"At the fore structure, a single deep depression revealed the glowing core at the center, which shone like an orange spotlight pouring from the cavern."
"At the fore of the structure, a single deep depression revealed the glowing core at the center, which shone like an orange spotlight pouring from the cavern."
As you can see, nothing that really changes the story in any manner. Certainly no revisions or additions that would make it a true "second revision."