Unlike Book 1, where I tried to give each chapter its own playlist, I trimmed down the number of playlists to six. As stated in Part 1, this was because A Prison of Flesh did far less jet-setting. In fact, except for the first two chapters, large portions of the story are spread across multiple chapters. The first two lists here cover major portions of the story.
Free to Read: A Prison of Flesh Chapter 04
In celebration of the one-month anniversary of the release of A Prison of Flesh, I've made available FREE Chapter 04 in its entirety. Feel free to read it in-browser or download a copy of your own from the links below.
The Art of APOF: Cover Painting
For those familiar with the painting for the first book, you'll quickly notice that the cover for Book 2 is a slight departure on multiple fronts. This is for a number of reasons. First and foremost is that it's smaller (16x20 versus 22x30) and painted on board rather than printmaking paper. I did this largely for my convenience. Also, since most of my earlier works are done the same way, it provided a bit of familiarity.
The Music of A Prison of Flesh (Part 1)
Much like with my first book, I assembled playlists to set a mood as I wrote A Prison of Flesh. This time around, though, instead of breaking them up by chapter, I chose to separate them by locale. Except for the first two chapters, this proved easier as the story this time around did far less "jet-setting" as there are multiple stretches anchored to the same location.
Available Now: A Prison of Flesh
Author Joshua Banker announces the release of his second full-length work, A Prison of Flesh. Banker's follow-up is a speculative fiction novel that blends elements of science-fiction, fantasy and horror to tell a story about coping with loss and personal growth in the face of unknown danger. Underlying themes include the impacts of bigotry on perception and the folly of decisions made out of misguided guilt.
Maps of Tah'afajien
As a part of the world-building process that went into laying down the proper groundwork for a multiple-volume book series set in a believable world, I created a maps of the major cities/villages and topographical features for Not Gods But Monsters and its future sequels. This allows for believable references to locales that the story might not take the reader until later books.
Coming Soon - A Prison of Flesh to release on September 19th, 2017
The sequel to Not Gods But Monsters will be available in trade paperback and eBook on September 19, 2017.
Second Printing of Not Gods But Monsters available
In preparation for the upcoming release of Book 2 (more info to come soon), I've re-released Not Gods But Monsters with some very minor tweaks.
The Art of NGBM: Jehn and Kyote
To finish out the series of stylized character depictions for Not Gods But Monsters, here are the character illustrations for Jehn and Kyote.
The Art of NGBM: Zoe and Callie
As with the earlier illustration posted of Flynn, the following pieces for Zoe Agilis and Callie Evans are part of a stylized series of drawings done as visual representations of the major players for Not Gods But Monsters.